For Couples Only

For Couples Only

This material is designed for couples who have committed their lives to each other in the holy estate of marriage. It is not designed for those who think, Maybe we will get married someday or those who claim to be serious about their relationship with another, or those who say they need to know all that they can in their search to find a proper mate in the future. This material is designed for those who have - prior to this date - stood and looked into the eyes of another and given themselves to that other person (for better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness in health ...) for the rest of their lives.

Also, this material is also designed to deal with specific areas of the marriage that are not often discussed in Christian circles. It is not designed to deal with the normal and basic areas of the home (duties and responsibilities, finances, parenting, providing, etc.); it will focus on the more intangible, personal, and private aspects of two people becoming and being one in their hearts, in their flesh, and in their daily lives as a couple. This material was written to help couples build stronger and better relationships with their mates that will strengthen their homes and families as well as the church. I believe that this is some of the best and most important material that we have ever written, used, and offered. It deals with concepts that are often not addressed within the context of Christian homes and marriages, that are foundational and very important if the home is to last and have our Lord’s blessing.

This material focuses on four main areas of importance in the husband/wife relationship, and in each area both biblical concepts and practical applications abound. The practical applications are specific in nature and require some participation of those going through these concepts. Also, there is a section at the end of this material that specifically addresses how to deal with some of the most common “troubles” that couples deal with in their relationships before those difficulties destroy the home completely.

ersonal Note: We have also adapted this material and have used it very effectively at different couples retreats. Obviously, going through the material (in three or four sessions) is very fast-paced, but my wife and I have been able to deal with all of the major concepts in a light-hearted way at a single retreat that has been profitable, and that have caused some to use the practical application sections long after the retreat – to their advantage.

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Name: J n J Ministries 

Address: 3322 Pinney Topper Rd,
Ashtabula, OH 44004

Phone: (440) 994-4426
FAX: (440) 994-4426


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